
Ik ben gefrustreerd.
En niet zo'n klein beetje ook.
Ik werk 32 uur.
Heb een man
en 2 prachtige dochters.
Op school van de puberdochters
zit ik in de oudercommissie.
Manlief basketbalt.
16 jaar basketbalt.
Ik niet.
Ik basketbal niet.
Toch beheerst basketbal mijn vrije tijd.
Want ik zit in het bestuur.
Want ik zit in de técé.
Elke maand 2 vergaderingen.
Van de técé
maak ik de notulen
doe ik de mail
doe ik de administratie.

Nu zoeken we voor een team
nog een coach.
Nu zoeken we voor de wedstrijden
nog een secretaris.

Ondanks meerdere oproepen
ondanks een hoop gesmeek.
Geen gehoor.
En ik zit uren te ploeteren,
en ik zit uren te zweten
om te zorgen
dat al die mensen
die niet mijn man zijn
die niet mijn kind zijn
wel fijn kunnen spelen.

Waarom zijn het altijd dezelden
die alles doen.
Waarom zijn het altijd dezelfden
die het wel best vinden.

Ik ben gefrustreerd.
En niet zo´n beetje ook.


Onderwerp: Gefrustreerd

  • Datum: 04-04-2020 Door: CyberXlam

    Onderwerp: Eskadron -- brand adored by jockeys all over the world

    Eskadron is one of the very appreciated high-street manufacturers on the entire world that focuses primarily on the production of supreme quality design clothing and equipment. This Italian concern has been founded by Pikeur wanting to satisfy up with the jockeys' demands, who were looking for professional but also stylish equestrian accessories. Thus, what makes Eskadron so special and why their collections are so popular among riders?Eskadron Why would riders from all over the world love this new brand?
    Eskadron has been extremely popular with horse riding fans for a dozen or more years today. This new products are characterized by their own supreme quality attention for detail. Eskadron can also be valued for their exceptional practicality, elegance, and innovativeness in their projects, contemporary layout, and availability. The new offer includes both professional ones and items for recreational riders. Thus, you'll discover basic equestrian clothing, expert equestrian, and assorted accessories necessary for the proper saddling of a horse. Eskadron offers saddle fabrics, halters, rugs, bell boots for horses, vases, fly hats, drapes, but in addition hoodies, tshirts, breeches, even show coats. All products come from the eu, which additionally verifies their quality.Eskadron's collections
    Eskadron has lots of selections. Many are seasonal, others are always available in their own offer. The most popular collections of the brand are:
    Vintage Sports - launched twice a calendar year, this lineup is composed only of horse equipment. Services and products using this collection are extremely simple, in standard soft colors but at precisely the exact same time very elegant.
    Platinum - starts once a year for those who prefer conventional solutions. You'll mostly find gray and black shades along with delicate image themes.
    Young Star - lineup for kids that begin their adventure with horseriding. It's basic horse riding accessories in bright colors and extraordinary patterns.
    Equestrian Fanatics - clothing line made for riders that like to stand outside. Available coats, hoodies, and backpacks successfully combine casual clothing with equestrianism.
    Classic offer - Their constant offer of clothing, equipment, and accessories. You can find services and products used for training and everyday rides but additionally elegant show clothing.

    Eskadron can be a new used by cyclists from all around the globe. For the relaxation of riding and safety both yours and your horse, it might be worth buying top quality articles, which would enable one to fully appreciate this exceptional sport.


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  • Datum: 29-08-2013 Door: jannyzeeland

    Onderwerp: gefrustreerd

    Kan ik me levendig voorstellen !!!!


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